Facilities for Alzheimer’s Ashland NE

National Senior Citizens Day in Facilities for Alzheimer’s Ashland NE

We all have senior citizens in our family who deserve to be appreciated and showered with gratitude. What better way to recognize their valuable contribution to our society than to celebrate National Senior Citizens Day? This month of August, let us demonstrate our gratitude to them. Let us celebrate their lives, accomplishments, and what they will continue to do.

National Senior Citizens Day

The United States celebrates National Senior Citizens Day every August 21st. This special day is dedicated to senior adults and highlights their contributions and achievements.

In 1988, then-U.S. President Ronald Raegan signed Proclamation 5847, declaring August 21st National Senior Citizens Day. This day honors seniors for their accomplishments for their families, communities, and the country. Through this yearly celebration, seniors feel accepted and appreciated.

One way of showing our senior loved ones our heartfelt gratitude is by putting them in facilities for Alzheimer’s Ashland NE. This way, they can continue living a dignified life with the help of trained carers in a safe environment. With all the facilities and professionals available round the clock, they will now enjoy the rest of their years in a community where they benefit from professional assistance and world-class care.

Thank you to President Ronald Raegan, 36 years after his signed proclamation, millions of seniors in the United States will celebrate this event annually with scheduled activities, programs, events, and engagements.

Celebrating in Facilities for Alzheimer’s Ashland NE

Take this as an opportunity to plan something special for your loved ones in facilities for Alzheimer’s in Ashland, NE, or anywhere in the country. Encourage the whole family to join in and shower your loved one with the gift of time and love.

Try these suggested activities to create memories everyone will cherish. Above all, these will fill their hearts with warmth and joy.

Give the gift of time.

Make time to reach out to your loved ones on this special day. A phone or video call will suffice if you cannot reach the facility. Another option would be to schedule a visit if you are out of the state to brighten your day, as every day can be an opportunity for celebration. But if you can make it, plan a visit with the rest of the family members. You can tag with friends or neighbors, and everyone can reminisce about the good old days.

Organize game nights, picnics, leisurely walks in the park or nearby mall, lunch at your favorite restaurant, or any activity that allows everyone to participate.

Karaoke or music night is a fun idea, too. Music can evoke happy feelings and nostalgia. Give seniors this time to share wonderful stories from the past. Have the sessions been recorded so you will have something to reflect on and share with the younger generations?

Regardless of what you plan to do, spend quality time with your loved ones in facilities for Alzheimer’s Ashland NE, and together, create memories you will cherish forever.

Learn more about Oxbow Living by clicking here!

Oxbow Living offers Assisted Living & Memory Care out of Nebraska and to the Surrounding Cities: Ashland, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Elmwood, Ithaca, Mead

Facilities for Alzheimer’s

Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month in Assisted Living Facilities

The diagnosis of spinal muscular atrophy can be life-changing, with major adjustments in everyday life can be overwhelming. Add to that the need for more treatment options, and leading a normal life despite the diagnosis can be challenging. August is Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month, an event dedicated to increasing awareness about this hereditary neurological condition. It is also a great opportunity to support those diagnosed with the illness. Staying informed about the condition is the key to managing the disease, and this is what Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month in Assisted Living Facilities is all about.

What is Spinal Muscular Atrophy?

Spinal Muscular Atrophy is a genetic neurological illness primarily affecting motor neurons, leading to progressive muscle degeneration. This condition is usually identified in infancy and affects approximately 10,000 infants and younger children. The degenerative disease also affects adults, with primary symptoms of voluntary muscle paralysis, swallowing difficulties, and scoliosis.

Different types of Spinal Muscular Atrophy require varying treatments. After diagnosis, ongoing tests and physical examinations are done for treatment planning options and better disease management. Fortunately, improved treatments, therapies, and medications are now available, allowing children, adults, and seniors in assisted living facilities dealing with Spinal Muscular Atrophy to live fulfilling lives.

Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month in Assisted Living Facilities

This is what Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month is all about: highlighting the importance of information dissemination, education, and financial support. These are vital in the quest for a cure through continuous research. This yearly event is also an opportunity to educate people and change the lives of those affected by Spinal Muscular Atrophy.

Assisted living facilities also participate in this annual event through various activities, such as information and education sharing, community outreach, and improving the facility environment to address specific challenges residents face with Spinal Muscular Atrophy.

Management should facilitate informative programs for residents’ families and training for staff. Counseling and social programs must also be included for families and residents to better cope with the issues that come with the condition.

Come together and remember friends or loved ones diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Encourage everyone in your circle to participate in various activities, symposiums, and fundraising programs. Collective efforts can go a long way and significantly impact the lives of people suffering from Spinal Muscular Atrophy.

All About Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a rare genetic neuromuscular disorder. Four different types of SMA are categorized by the age at which the disease was detected and the severity of the condition.

SMA type 0 (congenital SMA) 

This condition affects the fetus before birth, resulting in infants having severe muscle weakness and then death within the first few months of birth.

SMA type 1 (severe SMA or Werdnig-Hoffman disease)

Symptoms are observed within the first six months of birth. Infants with type 1 SMA have difficulty breathing and swallowing and limited head control.

SMA type 2 (intermediate SMA or Dubowitz disease)

Symptoms start to appear between 6-18 months of life when children with this condition cannot walk. Life expectancy is 25 years old, with respiratory issues being the main cause of death.

SMA type 3 (mild or Kugelbert-Welander disease)

Symptoms like lower limb muscle weakness and difficulty walking appear after 18 months of life.

SMA type 4 (adult)

It is the mildest form of Spinal Muscular Atrophy, with weak muscle symptoms only starting to appear after age 21.

Learn more about Oxbow Living by clicking here!

Oxbow Living offers Assisted Living & Memory Care out of Nebraska and to the Surrounding Cities: Ashland, South Bend, Greenwood, Murdock, Elmwood, Ithaca, Mead